There are so many ways to help refugees. Many people think their pocket book is the only way they can help. We've learned that just getting to know and becoming friends with a refugee is a mutually beneficial experience. We can learn so much from each other.
Below are links to some of Utah local nonprofit organizations dedicated to refugees.
LDS: I was a stranger INITIATIVE
40 ideas of how to get involved with refugees.
Spice kitchen
The Spice Kitchen helps refugees start food businesses. You could hire them for your next catering event.
Catholic Community Services (CCS)
Mentor a family. Start by greeting them at their airport when they arrive and help them the first two years they are in Utah.
Women of the World
Empowers women from all nations to achieve independence, economic success, and a voice in the community.
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Mentor a family or help refugees find jobs are a few ways you can help with IRC